Dementia Friendly Railway
The Leeds, Lancaster & Morecambe Community Rail Partnership Launches Dementia-Friendly Initiative for the Bentham Line, at Leeds and Bentham.
15-12-24 New Bentham Line Timetable from 15th December 2024
New Winter Timetable from Sunday 15th of December 2024.
01-10-2024 – outside it is beautiful on The Bentham Line
From 1st-7th October 2024, the outside it is beautiful team met local groups and commuters on and around the Bentham Line, as well as run-ning a series of free arts activity sessions.
01-09-2024 – Fun and Festivity at Bentham Station
Bentham Station was the scene of a happy event recently when over thirty came together to celebrate two anniversaries.
01-07-2024 – Biodiversity along the Bentham Line
Students became involved in a biodiversity project at stations along the Bentham Line whilst spending a year-in-industry with Northern, the local train operator.
22-05-24 New Bentham Line Timetable from 2nd June 2024
New Winter Timetable from Sunday 2nd of June 2024.
29-04-2024 – Surprise at school as they share success
Local community groups, the Leeds-Morecambe Community Rail Partnership (LMCRP) and the Friends of Bentham Station (FOBS) have recently received the good news that all of their five entries had been short listed in four categories for the National Community Rail Awards 2024.
29-04-2024 – Success at National Community Rail Awards
Local community groups, the Leeds-Morecambe Community Rail Partnership (LMCRP) and the Friends of Bentham Station (FOBS) have recently received the good news that all of their five entries had been short listed in four categories for the National Community Rail Awards 2024.
20-01-2024 – National Community Rail Awards
Local community groups, the Leeds-Morecambe Community Rail Partnership (LMCRP) and the Friends of Bentham Station (FOBS) have recently received the good news that all of their five entries had been short listed in four categories for the National Community Rail Awards 2024.
06-12-New Bentham Line Timetable from 10th December 2023
New Winter Timetable from Sunday 10th of December 2023.
23-09-12 The Bentham Line Welcomes Rail Minister
Huw Merriman MP, Minister of State for Rail, visited the Bentham Line to meet the people and organisations from the Community Rail side of the rail industry.
23-07-28 Chairman Reports on a Further Successful Year for the LMCRP
Gerald Townson, Chairman presented a very positive annual report to the meeting covering the diverse and extensive activities of the Partnership.
Rail to Sail
A special event was held at Heysham Port on Wednesday 28th June when representatives of the Bentham Line (the Leeds-Morecambe Community Rail Partnership), the rail industry, Lancashire County Council and Lancaster City Council, and staff and Year 5 pupils from St Peter’s Church of England Primary School, Heysham, met together with Alice Rice, Terminal Manager for the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company, and the Mayor of Lancaster City, Cllr Roger Dennison.
15-05-New Bentham Line Timetable from 21st May 2023
As Covid-19 restrictions are being gradually relaxed the number of services on the Bentham Line will increase from 16th May 2021.